Latest SEO trends

Trends Spreading Like Wildfire: Latest SEO Trends 2023

SEO is like an inseparable part of digital marketing, claiming a high pedestal in the advancing world. The latest SEO trends reveals that the global SEO market is expected to reach $122.11 Billion by 2028. This statistic is a confirmation to mark the extent of the SEO growth, and it is also a reminder that it will continue to expand in the coming years. With digitization and the growing importance of digital marketing in the business world, the terms: ON-Page, OFF-Page, keyword search, etc., are no longer obscure. The ever-expanding cyberspace has made it necessary to keep up with the pace & to add new attributes to stay relevant. Many recent changes and advancements have also been seen in the SEO domain, and it is vital to incorporate them to remain at the top of the search results. The article will provide you with a list of the latest SEO trends in 2023.

1 A.I. Content 

Artificial Intelligence’s rage has not removed the aspect of SEO from its clutches. AI-based content is taking over digital marketing, and brands are using AI-based content to create blogs, articles, and other posts with AI-focused Machine Learning tools like QuillBot, Jasper.AI, and now ChatGPT joining the list. A.I. is a complementary technology clubbed with human intelligence that can simplify and optimize the process of content creation. The use of A.I.-based tools can lead to the creation of error-free, comprehensible, and relevant content.

2 Importance Of Links 

An inseparable part of SEO, links will always retain importance, but the catch is to modify the process with the changing times. The latest SEO news in the town is about the importance of quality link building. Building links on authentic websites and forums to ensure that the quality is uncompromised and the websites are credible. Links act as a cue to the search engine that the website can be cited, and your website will attract more traffic. Trust is developed if the quality and quantity of links on the website are significant and the content is valuable and trustworthy. 

3 Long Form Content 

Long-format content like case studies, annual reviews, guides, etc., are the new SEO trends that will rule the 2023 digital domain. Talking about the latest SEO news, long-format content should have a significant mention. Content written in an extended format helps improve the ranking by engaging the reader for a long time, and it is generally found to have a high ranking compared to short-form content. The process is simple; as the reader spends more time on the website, there are more chances that they will turn into a customer, subscriber, or buyer.

4 E.E.A.T. (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Apart from Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, an additional guiding feature is added to the guiding principles that rate the quality of content, which has become the latest SEO news in 2023. This other factor is Experience. Adding Experience to the list ensures that the content added to the site is backed by an experienced person or a professional in the field. Not only does it increase the credibility of the other factors, but it adds dimension to enhance the quality. These guidelines are the crucial factors that people abide by to ensure that the websites’ ranking and trustworthiness are maintained. A good E.E.A.T. score is essential to rank higher. To ensure that the E.E.A.T. is high, one must add trustworthy and credible sources, update the content, third-party reviews, and all the other tactics that fall in the E.E.A.T. criteria. 

5 Passage Indexing

The concept of passage indexing is a relatively new algorithm making its mark in the latest SEO news. This algorithm can rank a passage within the page based on the user’s search query. This is one of the newest SEO trends in 2023 that has caught the eyes of marketers. Simply put, if long-form content provides a list, then you can rank the individual points of the list independently based on the reader’s search query using this algorithm. Passage indexing should be differentiated from the concept of feature snippets because passage indexing does not consider factors like topic relevance and ranks.

6 Searcher’s Intent 

The entire SEO process exists because people use search engines to find relevant solutions to their queries. This is the latest SEO news and the most crucial aspect that must be considered for search engine optimization in 2023. The best results are obtained when the user’s demand is in sync with the services provided, so the user’s search intent must be understood to optimize the search engine. 

7 SEO Localisation 

Using SEO to target a specific region or country is another latest SEO news that has caught attention in 2023. It is essential to add words that specify a location or a particular area to make sure that your content appears in the” near me “searches. Make sure the businesses appear on the map searches to mark your presence in the local markets. The “Google My Business” tool is an essential factor that can help ensure higher visibility in local searches. 

8 Include Video Content 

Adding video content is the new SEO trend spreading at a breakneck speed. A study by Brightedge reveals that adding good quality and relevant videos on the website can keep the user for 50% longer. This ultimately translates to better page ranking and optimization. It is a human phenomenon that people are more likely to click on content that has a relevant video. A report by Wyzowl stated that, according to 87% of video marketers, traffic increased to their websites due to videos. So, ensuring that the content is SEO friendly, including video content, is not only one of the biggest SEO trends of 2023 but also essential. 

9 S.E.R.P. Optimization

As one of the latest SEO news, the Optimisation of S.E.R.P. is necessary for a business’s growth. The Search Engine Results Page appears when the user searches for a query. It includes features like knowledge panels, video carousels, and ads on the search page. 

10 Mobile Friendly SEO

By 2025, 76.2 % of internet users will use only mobile phones to access the internet; optimizing the search engine to cater to their needs on the small screen is vital. It is also important to optimize mobile phone websites to ensure that you stay relevant in the long run. 

In the words of the former United States Digital Service administrator, Matt Cutts, “SEO is like a resume; you polish it, so you have your best foot forward.” 

What is SEO & Why is SEO important for Business? Website optimization as per users’ needs plays a crucial role in staying relevant in the long run. The prime objective of bringing about any change in the process is to make it user-friendly, and with the help of Orion labs, all digital marketing services problems can end. The latest SEO news and trends are coming to the surface, but it is crucial to make sure that we choose the most admissible trends, and Orion labs helps you find the right strategy.

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